Rektor David Iga, St.Joseph Technicale Intstitute, sier:
"There has been significant increase in the enrollment of girls in technical education from none in 2006 to 50 in 2009. St. Joseph has increased the gender balance from 0-3 female students in to 50"
Samtidig har det vært jobbet med at jentene skal få sitt eget internat - dormatorium:
- GIRLS dormatorium: This dormitory has been constructed by students under the upervision of there teachers, this idea of involving students to work with their Teachers on such constructional sites was copied by FK participants from Rjukan videregaande skole. It has been found out that students learn more when they do such site work than making" models in the workshops.
Feedback in PROSPECTUS of St.Joseph 2008 -2009: The girls’ hostel is underway and will soon save female students from the task of moving outside the gates and give a feeling of contentment…With their dormatoty the Institute will recruit more female students and continue to empower women for National development.
Elever fra Notodden videregående skole har bidratt med innsamla midler for å realisere prosjektet.
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